Thursday 7 January 2010


Today was our last chance to film using the cameras. We had to film the rest of our locations being; The Crescent, The Circus and Southgate outside Republic. Jo was ill today so we had to work with the fact that we didn't have our storyboard with us so had to remember as much as we could from our memory of what we already knew. We started off at the Crescent and worked on the composition of the shot for a while, we didn't really stick to the storyboard in this scene, it was more improvised on the day. We decided to have Abi come from behind the camera into view, where she would run up to the nearest lamp post, stand looking for a while catching her breath, then she would run across the grass at the crescent in a scaled down semi-circle so that she didn't go out of shot until she ended up going oput of shot near some trees. This was the only shot where we used movement. We panned the camera from right to left trying to catch up with Abi running throughout the shot whilst capturing the Crescent in the background of the frame. Even though this scene was improvised, I was pleased with the way that it turned out because even if it was a more obvious location to chose in Bath, I felt that we captured it from a more alternative perspective, which in turn made it a lot more orginal. We then moved onto the Circus down the road, where we improvised another shot of where Abi was sat up against a tree. We didn't want her to be doing much in this scene as we wanted to portray how she was beginning to give up on her search. We took a while to set up this shot as the composition didn't always work out perfectly because of red coloured objects in the background. When we did finally get the right composition, to make the scene more interesting we did an upshot of the trees in the middle of the circus and tilted the camera from the tree tops to the bottom of the trees where Abi was sat looking fed up. After me and Jack finally approved of the shot and that we had all of the elements to make a good scene covered, we moved onto our final location being Southgate. Because we didn't receive any permission for filming outside Republic, we went in on the day and asked for the mangers permission instead, which proved a lot less hassle. After we got permission, we went outside to set up shoot. In this scene we had an over the shoulder shot of Abi in her red dress and Jack walking towards her in his modern day clothing. As Jack approached the camera he had to change his expression on his face as he feels he recognises Abi. This took several attempts to achieve due to corpsing and members of the public stopping to ask what we were doing. But in the end we managed to get a scene that we were all happy with.

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent Daisy. You have worked really hard at learning filming techniques and seem to be an expert now! Well done.
